Empresas estatales

Corporate Governance in Latin America: Importance for State-Owned Companies

Publication date
Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)

“Corporate Governance in Latin America: Importance for State-Owned Enterprises” is part of a series of Public Policy and Productive Transformation working papers from the Development Bank of Latin America. This chapter addresses the importance of implementing corporate governance practices to strengthen the development of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Latin America, with emphasis on the role of the State as owner. It also includes an analysis of specific cases of SOEs in the region on the main strategies and tools adopted to advance governance.

APA citation
Bernal, A., Oneto, A., Penfold, M., Schneider, L., & Wilcox, J. (2012). N° 6. Corporate Governance in Latin America. Importance for State Owned Enterprises SOEs.
Publication access