Empresas estatales

A - C

Affiliated entity

An affiliated entity is an organization dependent on another, called an affiliate, which, without controlling it, owns directly or through another natural or legal person, 10% or more of its voting capital or capital stock.


The assets of a company correspond to the properties and rights it owns that can be valued in money, such as real estate, automobiles, trademark rights, accounts receivable, among others.

Board of Directors

The board of directors is a body that exercises the highest administrative responsibility in a company or organization, legally representing the board of shareholders, with specific functions and responsibilities.

CMF reporting companies

Corresponds to companies that issue shares and debt securities and must report to the Financial Market Commission (CMF) their financial statements under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Comité Sistema de Empresas - SEP

The Comité Sistema de Empresas – SEP is the technical body of the Chilean government in charge of maximizing the benefits of state-owned enterprises. It works on two fundamental axes; it articulates the relationship between public companies and the State so that they can fulfill their strategic mandate of contributing to the country's development; and it actively collaborates with the corporate governments and administrations of all state-owned companies to achieve their goals.


Administrative act that involves the granting of the right to exploit or manage, for a certain period, goods and services by a public administration or company to another, generally private, in exchange for the payment of a fee.


The concessionaire corresponds to the entity or person who has received, from an official body or company, the exclusivity to build, exploit a service and/or sell a product in each area in exchange for the payment of a fee.


The Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Corfo) was created after the Chillán earthquake of 1939, with the purpose of promoting production and industrialization in Chile. Corfo is currently a decentralized public service that supports entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness in the country, strengthening human capital and technological capabilities to contribute to its economic development.

Current assets

Current assets of a company are the resources it possesses that can be liquidated within a year, such as cash, merchandise, and accounts receivable.

Current liabilities

Current liabilities include a company's obligations in the short term, i.e., with a maturity period of less than one year, such as salaries payable, taxes payable, among others.

Current liquidity

Current liquidity is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. It is an indicator of the proportion of short-term debts that can be covered with the most liquid assets, and the higher it is, the better liquidity levels the entity possesses.