Empresas estatales

Privacy policy

These principles seek to ensure the correct use of the information collected through visits to the State Enterprises website and other types of voluntary information.

The State Companies site reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to legislative or doctrinal changes, or to general industry practices. Any modification will be duly announced to users. It is the user's responsibility to stay informed about the current Privacy Policy each time they use this portal.

User information

The State Enterprises site obtains and records information from its visitors through manual and automatic methods.

Automatic Mechanisms: Computational processes that allow the generation of records of user activities within the website, without identifying them individually, through which navigation and audience patterns are established.

Manual Mechanisms: Express requests for information from visitors, through which data such as name, email, occupation or others are collected. The State Companies site is committed to ethical and legal management of this information. Therefore, the databases generated with information about your visitors will not be made public or sold to third parties.

Information to third parties

The State Enterprises site may use information collected automatically and that does not contain personal identification of users, in order to inform third parties, such as other government entities and organizations, on issues related to audience, number of visits and most visited areas of the site. portal.

The State Enterprises site may disclose personal data if required to do so by legal mandate or by a court order. Likewise, it may reveal personal data if the user violates the general conditions of use that regulate access and use of the services and materials offered, and in those cases in which it is essential to defend the rights of state companies, other users or from third parties.

Through this Privacy Policy, the State Companies site is not signing a contractual commitment with its visitors, but rather it is provided for informational purposes only.