Empresas estatales

Q - Z

Related entity

A related entity is an organization in which a company has an ownership, control, management or credit responsibility interest.

Risk Rating

It is a measure of the risk of public offering securities and other activities authorized by the Financial Market Commission (CMF). The rating categories are designated by the letters AAA, AA, A, A, BBB, BB, B, C, D and E, with AAA being the lowest risk category and D the highest risk category. Category E is used when there is insufficient information to rate an insurance company.


A unit of ownership interest in an open, closely-held corporation or limited partnership.


A shareholder is a natural or legal entity who owns representative shares of a company, and both his liability and rights are limited by the number of shares he owns.

State entities

State entities are legal companies under private law, created by common law rules, with legal personality under private law and in which an organ of the State administration participates.

State-Owned Enterprises

State-owned enterprises are entities created by a law with a qualified quorum, with legal personality of public law, distinct and separate from the Treasury, with their own assets. They are part of the State administration and are autonomous in their management. According to Law No. 20,285 on Access to Public Information, all public companies are required to submit to the Financial Market Commission or the Superintendency to whose supervision they are subject, the same information that is requested from open corporations, in accordance with Law No. 18,046.

Strategic objectives

Strategic objectives correspond to the goals and achievements that a company intends to reach in the medium term, according to a specific strategy, mission and vision.


A subsidiary is a company directly controlled by another company, known as the parent company, or through another natural or legal person, either partially or completely. The parent company directs and/or manages the business operations of the subsidiary.


Transfers include mandatory payments of money required by the State to state-owned enterprises, to finance expenses related to the administration of the State and the provision of public goods and services.


The treasury is the set of public administration bodies responsible for managing and collecting taxes in a country.


The vision of a company is the expectation of what the entity is expected to be or achieve in the future, answering the question “What do we want to become?

Wage gap

The wage gap is defined as the result of dividing the average salary of women by the average salary of men, multiplied by one hundred (100).