Empresas estatales

State property policy and commercial activities


The State and its agencies may engage in or participate in business activities only if authorized by a law of qualified quorum.


Article 19 N°21, Political Constitution of the Republic.

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The financing policy of state-owned companies is fundamentally based on self-financing from the revenues of the sale of goods and services they produce. Notwithstanding this, to undertake relevant investment projects, these companies may resort to financial markets with prior authorization from the Ministry of Finance and/or receive contributions from the treasury for such purposes.


Current Budget Law; Regulatory framework of the Dipres

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Maximize the benefit that companies deliver to the country through an efficient allocation of resources. 


Comité Sistema de Empresas Públicas - SEP.

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These activities shall be subject to the common legislation, without prejudice to any exceptions established by law for justified reasons, which shall also require a qualified quorum.


Article 19 N°21, Fundamental Charter.

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