Empresas estatales

Rules applicable exclusively to public companies created by Law


The rules of Administrative Integrity apply to their directors, executives, and workers, meaning they have administrative responsibility, in addition to criminal and civil liability. 


Title III of Law N° 18,575, Constitutional Organic Law of General Bases of the State Administration.

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The alienation of assets requires that they have been declared expendable and appraised, and must be alienated for a fee, following the procedure established by law.


Article 8, paragraph 2, L.D. N° 1,056 of 1975, which determines complementary rules relating to the reduction of public spending and the better organization and control of personnel.

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By law, the general rule for the procurement of goods and services is public bidding, as they are part of the State Administration.


Article 9, Law N° 18,575, Constitutional Organic Law of General Bases of the State Administration.

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